Aaditya Panchal

Asceticans: The Spiritual Warriors


The project involves designing a tribe of ascetic ash-smeared Naga Sadhus who have formed an alliance with the advanced military to defeat a common enemy. Who are the Naga Sadhus? How do they live? The conceptualisation of the characters and props requires a deeper understanding of their lives. The Naga Sadhus detach themselves from the world and live in isolation to meditate and perform spiritual practices, unaware of modern tools and their workings.

Combining these two completely opposite aspects will make the designs look sci-fi and primal in nature, thereby depicting the magnanimous power of ancient prodigy infused with modern tools. The narrative conveys a few spiritual messages that we can also apply to our lives. To achieve this aim, I designed multiple characters, weapons and props showing Naga Sadhus' dexterity with advanced tools. Challenging my limits, I have also designed a few illustrations/splash artworks to highlight the main scenes from the narrative.

Project info

  • Developer Aaditya Panchal
  • Showcase year 2022
  • Programme Computer Arts

Asceticans: The Spiritual Warriors

The project consists of science fiction concept art and a story set in the near future with influences from Indian mythology.

Project Motivation

I have an affinity towards spirituality and as I kept dwelling into it, I began to realize how vast this subject is and there’s a lot to bring into light for my fellow beings. I kept researching across platforms which only ignited the curiosity and my thirst to spread the light across world via my art. I started watching podcasts on Indian scriptures and Naga Sadhu(monk) of India. It didn’t take long to understand that Indian mythology isn't just about religious beliefs alone. A lot of lessons are hidden in the mythology, stories and messages with the power to spiritually uplift a person. Bringing such messages out would be a huge privilege for me as an artist! 'Asceticans : The Spiritual Warriors' is the first step towards this walk in my life.

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Aaditya Panchal

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