Aleks King

Complex Accessible Control Schemes for VR

This project is a VR demo, showcasing various potential accessible control schemes for shooting and reloading a gun in VR. It also extends to include alternate shooting controls and aim assist options. The control schemes can be categorised as either button-based or gesture-based. Button-based control schemes aim to improve accessibility for those with reduced mobility in their arms or who may be missing an arm completely, but still have full mobility in their fingers. Gesture-based control schemes are the inverse of this. They are designed to improve accessibility for those with a full or near-to-full range of motion in one or both arms, but lack fine control over their fingers. For example, those using an arm prosthetic or with arthritis in their fingers, which can make repeated button pressing painful.

Project info

  • Developer Aleks King
  • Showcase year 2023
  • Programme Game Design and Production

Complex Accessible Control Schemes for VR

An exploration into alternate control schemes for VR with regard to certain physical differences, such as missing an arm or fingers, or having limited arm movement.


'Complex Accessible Control Schemes for VR' is a 2023 Digital Graduate Show project by Aleks King, a Games Design and Production student at Abertay University.

Project Motivation

I have an interest in mechanics design and a background in accessibility in games, so merging the two made perfect sense when aiming to develop a project that I would firstly, enjoy creating and secondly, has the potential to benefit the VR games industry as a whole.

Connect with Aleks

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Aleks King

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