Duncan Readle

Creating 3D Game Environments from 2D Concept Art

While creating game environments with the aid of 2D concept art can simplify the design process, it also can also create unique problems that need to be solved. This project looks at two of those areas; firstly, the difficulties in creating environments in an efficient and modular manner while still doing justice to the original designs; secondly the need to translate the 2D designs into a different 3D visual style. The subject areas are explored in practice through the creation of a large indoor environment titled 'Botanic Palace', using Unreal Engine 5 and based on artwork by concept artist Dimitri Neron.

Project info

  • Developer Duncan Readle
  • Showcase year 2022
  • Programme Computer Arts

Creating 3D Game Environments from 2D Concept Art

An exploration into the challenges of creating 3D game environments from 2D concept art, with particular focus on modular environment design and 3D visual styles, through the creation of a large scale interior environment.

Project Motivation

I wanted my honours project to be something big and eye-catching, and when I found the original concept art online I knew I'd found my project. I really enjoy the technical side of environment art, so I decided to focus on modular environment design and different techniques that can be used to support it.

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Duncan Readle

Pause carousel

Play carousel