Enbee Studio


Low-ProDow is a coming-of-age sitcom which focuses on three friends (Taylor, Douglas, and Stacey) who are transitioning into adulthood. They are aged between 18 and 21 and all attend the same college. The main character is Taylor, a non-binary 18-year-old who studies art and lives with their stepmother and two 12-year-old stepsiblings. Taylor has no clear direction in life, which only adds to the ever-growing pressure of becoming an adult. The show will follow Taylor growing and moving through the stages of teenager to young adult. Even though the show is framed as a comedy, the aim is to bring to light the raw reality of this transition. Low-ProDow will explore the themes of self-identity, mental health and most importantly the battle of expectations that young adults have thrusted upon them – either from society or themselves.

Project info

  • Developer Kelsey Dawidowski and Shanna Maxwell
  • Showcase year 2021
  • Programme Computer Arts


Focussing on character design and environment art, this project aims to convey and animate the relationship between three characters within the coming of age sitcom Low-ProDow.


Kelsey Dawidowski: "I've always had a passion for cartoons and I've always wanted to create one". 

Shanna Maxwell: "I constantly find myself bursting with ideas and stories I want to tell. What I lacked was the know-how. The whole purpose of taking on Low-ProDow was to push myself to learn how to produce a visual story".


“Low-ProDow” is a 2021 Digital Graduate Show project by Kelsey Dawidowski and Shanna Maxwell, both Computer Arts students at Abertay University. 

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Enbee Studio

Pause carousel

Play carousel