Ewan Fisher

Procedurally Generated 3D Platformer

The aim of this project is to research procedural techniques and create a 3D platformer using Unity Engine. Each time the game is played, new levels are generated – and players can generate specific levels using a seed. Each level generates a pathway using Perlin worms and splines, and places specific obstacles for the player to navigate – like moving platforms and spike traps. These levels are built around the specifications of the Character Controller, allowing the players to complete the procedurally generated levels. As the goal of the project is to try and generate enjoyable level design – this involved researching existing 3D platforming levels, testing the game and gauging audience feedback to determine and focus in on what makes these levels enjoyable.

Project info

  • Developer Ewan Fisher
  • Showcase year 2023
  • Programme Computer Game Applications Development

Procedurally Generated 3D Platformer

This project uses procedural techniques to generate linear platforming levels for a 3D Platformer, generating new and enjoyable levels each time the game is played.


'Procedurally Generated 3D Platformer' is a 2023 Digital Graduate Show project by Ewan Fisher, a Computer Game Applications Development student at Abertay University.

Project Motivation

I wanted to convert my passion for analysing and playing platformers into motivation for a gameplay-focused project.

Connect with Ewan

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Ewan Fisher

Pause carousel

Play carousel