Garen John O'Donnell

Advanced Movement


Through this project I aim to show my understanding of Movement Mechanics gained from my research by implementing a core movement mechanic (magnetic attraction and repulsion) and developing fun, interesting movement and puzzles centred on said mechanic. The first two levels act as tutorials for the opposing sides of the mechanic, level 1 being focused on teaching you how the repulsion mechanic functions and can be implemented. Similarly, level 2 focuses on teaching you how the attraction mechanic works. Finally, the third level requires you to apply what you have learnt from the previous levels to progress to the end.

Project info

  • Developer Garen John O'Donnell
  • Showcase year 2022
  • Programme Game Design and Production

Advanced Movement

Utilize the ability to magnetically push/pull yourself to complete three levels designed to implement these abilities in interesting ways.

Project Motivation

I've always found myself enjoying games with interesting movement mechanics. For example, as a kid my favourite game was Spiderman 2 for the PS2. I simply loved swinging around the city with the momentum-based web swinging which, in my opinion, still feels equal to or better than the modern instalments.

As such, I decided that I clearly have an interest in movement mechanics and opted to research the topic more closely.

Garen John O'Donnell

Pause carousel

Play carousel