Hannah Davidson

Improving Disability Representation through Inclusive Character Design


This project is about exploring the diversity of the current roster of characters within Riot Games’ popular game League of Legends, aiming to better inform myself and others of how disability should be viewed in gaming and to attempt to diminish current stereotypes.

My project consists of new characters created for the game's current roster that are informed by players with disabilities, and also looks into current diversity practices that are widely used in industry. I have designed both the character abilities and art with disability in mind in order to properly represent a group that is usually under-represented in video games. Each design has been given to a group of interviewees to provide feedback on to ensure that my final designs are well informed.

Project info

  • Developer Hannah Davidson
  • Showcase year 2021
  • Programme Game Design and Production

Improving Disability Representation through Inclusive Character Design

This project explores disability representation in games by designing original characters for the existing MOBA League of Legends, and by analysing the current diversity practices companies use.


I am a huge advocate for equality and diversity and over the years studying game design I noticed there were barely any positive disabled characters in the media. Many characters with disabilities were often the villains and almost never playable. It can be really discouraging when people, kids especially, can't identify with the characters in the shows they watch or the games they play, so I decided this project would be a great learning experience for me and might also inspire others to create something similar!


“Improving Disability Representation through Inclusive Character Design” is a 2021 Digital Graduate Show project by Hannah Davidson, a Games Design and Production student at Abertay University.      

Find out more      

Hannah's Website


Full Project Here!

Hannah Davidson

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