Heather Stirling

Hansel and Gretel - Visual Development Project


The project depicts an adaptation of a story through a range of emotive performances that are complimented by visual techniques including colour, light and tone, composition, etc.

The outcome is a completed visual development portfolio fit for purpose for an animated film that demonstrates the role that visual development has in the pre-production stage for animation. The finished project will depict various emotional ranges of the story with appropriate use of visual techniques that complement the overall visual narrative.

View the full project here.

Project info

  • Developer Heather Stirling
  • Showcase year 2020
  • Programme Computer Arts

Hansel and Gretel - Visual Development Project

This project investigates visual composition techniques used in visual development and animated films, in order to gain a better understanding of how emotive performance can be communicated through illustration.


I've always admired animation for being able to make the audience connect to the emotional moments of the story, and wanted to figure out how to translate this over to a 2D illustrative medium. I also hope to pursue a career in Visual Development one day, so this seemed like the perfect opportunity to get started in this area!


“Hansel and Gretel - Visual Development Project” is a 2020 Digital Graduate Show project by Heather Stirling, a Computer Arts student at Abertay University.

Find out more

Website: www.artstation.com/yehetti

Heather Stirling

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