Henry Neff

Stickerface: An Exploration of Aesthetic and Vibe

Stickerface is a 2D animated slice of life short film about two characters looking for their missing friend in the middle of the night. This project focuses on exploring how elements ranging from the story and character writing to sound design and animation style all contribute to establishing a distinct aesthetic style for the purposes of a cohesive vibe throughout the short film. Through my personal interest in a specific 80s-90s reminiscent night-aesthetic, rooted in themes of young adult slice of life moments present in night-aesthetic and urbancore, this project draws from many sources to create an animated work of art that really spotlights the mood and vibe.

Project info

  • Developer Henry Neff
  • Showcase year 2023
  • Programme Computer Arts

Stickerface: An Exploration of Aesthetic and Vibe

A 2D animated slice of life short film about characters hanging out, with an in depth look into what goes into establishing an aesthetic.


'Stickerface: An Exploration of Aesthetic and Vibe' is a 2023 Digital Graduate Show project by Henry Neff, a Computer Arts student at Abertay University.

Project Motivation

I have a personal passion with 2D animation and a desire to create art that achieves an impactful feeling. I live by the phrase "It's all about the vibe" and aim to achieve this as part of my projects.

Connect with Henry

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Henry Neff

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