Jack Edgar

Procedural Archipelago Generator

The archipelago generator is a small tool that allows the user to generate interesting 3D archipelagos featuring controls for influencing the shape and number of islands, biome distribution and erosion simulation. This tool allows the user to export the data for these archipelagos for use in other applications. A companion game will also be featured to demonstrate the generated archipelagos within another application.

Project info

  • Developer Jack Edgar
  • Showcase year 2022
  • Programme Computer Game Applications Development

Procedural Archipelago Generator

A procedural archipelago generation tool with a small companion application to demonstrate the archipelagos in action.

Project Motivation 

I had two inspirations, a game jam project my team worked on, where the player controlled a boat rescuing survivors stranded on some deserted islands, and a video with drone footage featuring a set of tropical islands.

Jack Edgar

Pause carousel

Play carousel