James Gunn


For this project, I have created a 3D-animated short that focuses on the theme of anxiety, presented in an art-house style. The animation follows a woman and her confrontation with an entity that is the embodiment of her anxiety. The story is shown through a non-linear narrative, leaving viewers to question what the real world is and what's just her mind. The project looks primarily into how to effectively create convincing character emotions through their performance and how cinematography can emphasise these feelings.

Project info

  • Developer James Gunn
  • Showcase year 2022
  • Programme Computer Arts


Facade is a 3D-animated short that explores anxiety through an abstract lens, focusing on character performance and cinematography.

Project Motivation

Through the lockdown, I had been watching films that are more focused on showcasing the medium as an art form and that speak on a psychological level. They really inspired me, especially the work of David Lynch, to produce something similar.

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James Gunn

Pause carousel

Play carousel