Joas Bremer

Exploring the Emotions of Pilgrimage Through Games

This project explores my own design philosophy and artistic process as a game auteur. It utilises emotion-based game design to develop a game, and aims to understand how this affects my own process of game development. This was tested by developing a game focused on the emotions associated with long-distance walking and pilgrimage, such as the peace felt when being in nature, the way walking makes people self-reflect, and the excitement of discovering the next part of the journey. The game itself lets you explore an environment using mechanics meant to mimic the rhythmic walking that occurs when walking for several hours. Using this, you can explore a stylised and atmospheric environment, wherein you can find various other people on the same journey as you, who will offer insight into their own views and perspectives towards walking and pilgrimage.

Project info

  • Developer Joas Bremer
  • Showcase year 2022
  • Programme Game Design and Production

Exploring the Emotions of Pilgrimage Through Games

An exploration of my own design methodology and process through creating a game exploring emotions associated with walking and pilgrimage.

Project Motivation

I've always been interested in creative and artistic expression through games and their design, and I wanted to create a project exploring that; one which also let me learn more about my own creative process, simultaneously allowing me to develop an interesting and unique game.

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Joas Bremer

Pause carousel

Play carousel