John Bradley


Breach uses interactive elements within a level to project emotional reaction from interaction with the player. Breach is a small sci-fi level in the theme of a space station allowing for the environment's lighting and audio to be change based on the player exploration with points of interest throughout the level. Breach's aim is to show that there is more that can be done with environmental storytelling which takes centre stage as the sole narrative vehicle.

Project info

  • Developer John Bradley
  • Showcase year 2021
  • Programme Computer Arts


Breach is a small sci-fi-themed game level that focusses on an environment’s character behaviour based on interactions with the player.


My passion for environmental design and storytelling lead me to create an environment that is capable of emotional response and character.


“Breach” is a 2021 Digital Graduate Show project by John Bradley, a Computer Arts student at Abertay University.  

Find out more      

John's Website


Full Project Here!

John Bradley

Pause carousel

Play carousel