Justin Syfrig

Real-Time Reflection Techniques for Computer Graphics

Reflections play a significant role in the behaviour of realistic lighting and have therefore been subject to many research efforts for computer graphics. In this study, three methods to produce real-time reflections have been designed and evaluated in a virtual environment. The results identify which of these three methods reaches the best standards, therefore suggesting the most suitable rendering method in modern game engines. Amongst the many possibilities, the three chosen techniques are environment mapping, ray tracing and path tracing. A demo application to showcase the methods has been built in C++ using the DirectX 12 & DirectX Raytracing graphics APIs.

Project info

  • Developer Justin Syfrig
  • Showcase year 2023
  • Programme Computer Games Technology

Real-Time Reflection Techniques for Computer Graphics

A comparison of three real-time methods to compute reflections in computer graphics, notably through the GPU ray tracing pipelines.


'Real-Time Reflection Techniques for Computer Graphics' is a 2023 Digital Graduate Show project by Justin Syfrig, a Computer Games Technology student at Abertay University.

Project Motivation

Learning about the ray tracing pipelines as an emergent technology for real-time rendering.

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Justin Syfrig

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