Michael Guyan

Procedural Hydraulic Erosion Simulation

The goal of this project was to conduct an evaluation of hydraulic erosion techniques for generating procedural terrain. This application can generate and render 3D random terrain generated using the Perlin noise procedural generation system. This terrain can then be eroded by the application's implemented particle erosion simulation method.

The simulation spawns a particle representing a water droplet at a random point on the map, this droplet then flows across the terrain eroding the map as it moves downwards before depositing its gathered sediment when reaching a pit or when the droplet evaporates.

The application has been tested simulating up to one million particles. The application features a layered terrain representation: the height at each point of the map is the sum of multiple layered heightmaps, each representing a layer of rock or soil which erode at different rates.

View the full project here.

Project info

  • Developer Michael Guyan
  • Showcase year 2020
  • Programme Computer Game Applications Development

Procedural Hydraulic Erosion Simulation

The project simulates the process of Hydraulic Erosion on a randomly generated piece of terrain to produce realistic landscapes.


“Procedural Hydraulic Erosion Simulation” is a 2020 Digital Graduate Show project by Michael Guyan, a Computer Game Applications Development student at Abertay University.

Michael Guyan

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