Mikolaj Bakowski

A New Realm - Fantasy Architecture


A project showcasing a new form of fantasy architecture created to suit its environment. It features a large crumbling Complex in the land of fire. This is a place of extreme heat, sharp rocks and lavafalls leading into open rivers of molten magma. The architecture belongs to a long-lost civilisation and is based on Islamic architecture with an Art Deco integration, Gothic iconography, and a Romanesque form for the building shape. The project creates a dark fantasy macabre aesthetic, giving the viewer a lot to explore and experience. 

Project info

  • Developer Mikolaj Bakowski
  • Showcase year 2021
  • Programme Computer Arts

A New Realm - Fantasy Architecture

An original concept for a new style of fantasy architecture, featuring a small showcase level set in a land of fire.


A love of the fantasy genre and a desire to expand it with fresh and original ideas.


“A New Realm - Fantasy Architecture” is a 2021 Digital Graduate Show project by Mikolaj Bakowski, a Computer Arts student at Abertay University.     

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Mikolaj's ArtStation


Inside the Process

Full Project Here!


Mikolaj Bakowski

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Play carousel