Moyra Cameron

Southern Malady

Southern Malady is an animation set in a parallel universe Scotland (where humans are replaced by anthropomorphic cats) during the black death. In the animation the story of the erstwhile occupants of a room is told through the environment, showing who they were and what happened to them.

The animation is part of a larger narrative on how the black death affected the people of Scotland as well as how the disease was spread and how it was treated at the time.

Project info

  • Developer Moyra Cameron
  • Showcase year 2020
  • Programme Computer Arts

Southern Malady

An animation set in Scotland during the Black Death, the story told through environmental cues.


I wanted to put my skills to the test as an Artist as well as developing my directing skills.


“Southern Malady” is a 2020 Digital Graduate Show project by Moyra Cameron, a Computer Arts student at Abertay University.

Music -  "Lunassa" by Aislinn from

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Moyra Cameron

Pause carousel

Play carousel