Nicole Lorraine Thomson

Filling the void, creating a space for LGBT heroines in fiction


The motion comic titled ‘I Need Space’ will be the first chapter in a love story between The Moon named Altalune and a Star named Nova. It will tell the story of how they escape the wrath of the Sun as she consumes everything in her path. It will feature the beginning of a relationship between the two women with casual and subtle hinting towards their sexuality using bisexual lighting (blue, pink and purple). The Sun rules over the galaxy and intends to harness every star and moon to have full control over, and to be the brightest that shines using her lead Sun Guardian, Nebula. Altalune meets with the last remaining star whilst undercover and they attempt to flee together. This motion comic will focus on their first meeting, highlighting the first chapter of the story which could possibly branch out to further chapters after my project is completed.

Project info

  • Developer Nicole Lorraine Thomson
  • Showcase year 2021
  • Programme Computer Arts

Filling the void, creating a space for LGBT heroines in fiction

With a focus on storytelling, this 2D motion comic with 3D elements is the first chapter in an LGBT love story between The Moon and a Star.


I wanted to create something that I as a child would have loved, something bright, colourful and full of strong women.


“Filling the void, creating a space for LGBT heroines in fiction'” is a 2021 Digital Graduate Show project by Nicole Lorraine Thomson, a Computer Arts student at Abertay University.    

Find out more      

Nicole's ArtStation

Full Project Here!           

Nicole Lorraine Thomson

Pause carousel

Play carousel