Ronan MacFarlane



Games are vehicles for creative expression and can be used to discuss various aspects about life, including serious topics.

The aim of this project was to explore how VR, virtual embodiment and games software can be used to create evocative experiences that create empathy within players.

This project intends to highlight the importance of Community Workers and Home Care Assistants by representing some of the duties they perform as well as the difficulties they experience while caring for the elderly.

This was achieved by designing mechanics and interactions inspired by the day-to-day work carried out by these carers. The aim was to get players to empathise with these key workers, along with hoping players will discuss the topics covered in the VR experience.

Project info

  • Developer Ronan MacFarlane
  • Showcase year 2020
  • Programme Game Design and Production


Through Virtual Reality (VR), this project intends to shine a light on the role of Community Workers and Home Care Assistants. Highlighting the importance of their work and games beyond entertainment.


I’ve always been a strong advocate for games beyond entertainment and members of my family work in the care industry, and I thought it would be really interesting to discuss the work they do within a virtual reality experience.


“Care” is a 2020 Digital Graduate Show project by Ronan MacFarlane, a Game Design and Production student at Abertay University.

Find out more


To hear Ronan talking about the project in more depth check out their Inside the Process video.

Ronan MacFarlane

Pause carousel

Play carousel