Shauna Steel

Click For Reaction: Narrative Design Within RPG’S And Its Appeal Towards Neurodiverse Individuals.

This project explores the appeal of playing role-playing games to neurodiverse individuals. Through the developmental process of making a visual novel game, topics such as narrative design and character stereotypes will be studied. This helps structure clear interactive dialogue, as well as providing new representation through a diverse group of characters. By analysing and reviewing other pre-existing RPGs such as ‘Dungeons and Dragons’, we can speculate on what draws a neurodiverse audience to interact with this genre of game, and discuss the benefits such as building social skills, relationships and allowing creative freedom within a safe community.

Project info

  • Developer Shauna Steel
  • Showcase year 2022
  • Programme Computer Arts

Click For Reaction: Narrative Design Within RPG’S And Its Appeal Towards Neurodiverse Individuals.

This project helps drive the discussion and analysis of the use of Narrative Design within RPGs, and how this benefits and appeals to a neurodiverse audience.

Project Motivation

I was motivated by my want to improve my game art skills, as well as my skills surrounding character creation, world building and storytelling.

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Shauna Steel

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