Thomas Crowe

Exploring player creativity in video games through use of world building and mechanics

This project explores player creativity in video games by researching existing games in similar areas using video case studies, making a prototype in Unity, and evaluating the prototype with a video post-mortem.

In the prototype, players are encouraged to create pieces of music from start to finish. Whether that be playing music, mixing and editing the recordings or creating the cover artwork. Once created, players can explore miniature planets interacting with a cast of quirky aliens. They can also climb tall skyscrapers searching for tools they can use to record more music with.

The project aimed to test and explore different methods of encouraging player creativity through practice-based research, by creating and iterating game-play. The project required a set of multi-disciplinary skills using art, programming, audio and a focus on level and mechanics design.

Project info

  • Developer Thomas Crowe
  • Showcase year 2021
  • Programme Game Design and Production

Exploring player creativity in video games through use of world building and mechanics

This project explores creativity by allowing players to record music and paint album covers in a futuristic recording studio whilst exploring a galaxy of miniature planets.


I wanted to create a project that would push me to learn and develop as a creator. Creating a musical recording game exploring creativity was both technically and theoretically challenging so it was a great learning experience. I wanted to make a project that allowed for everyone to access a form of creation as it can be hard to enter into musical production as a beginner.


“Exploring player creativity in video games through use of world building and mechanics” is a 2021 Digital Graduate Show project by Thomas Crowe, a Games Design and Production student at Abertay University.  

Find out more      

Thomas' Website


Full Project Here!

Thomas Crowe

Pause carousel

Play carousel