Yosqi Wilson

An Examination Of Suspense In Video Games

A top down, 2D mech arena shooter where the player is immersed into a game world that relies on environmental clues, intuition and elements that build tension in order to inform the player of their objectives. Created as an examination of various techniques from other media such as film and storytelling that serve to build suspense in the viewer.

Project info

  • Developer Yosqi Wilson
  • Showcase year 2022
  • Programme Game Design and Production

An Examination Of Suspense In Video Games

A vertical slice of a top down, 2D shooter mech combat game with heavy emphasis on suspense and attention to the environment.


"An examination of suspense in video games." is a 2022 Digital Graduate Show project by Yosqi Wilson, a Games Design and Production student at Abertay University.

Project Motivation

I wanted to study how media can invoke tension, suspense and thrills in an audience, and understand how I could potentially do that. Also in doing so, make a fun, compelling game.

Yosqi Wilson

Pause carousel

Play carousel