Governance and Nominations Committee


The role of the Governance and Nominations Committee is to oversee, on behalf of Court, the implementation of effective processes concerning the management of Court and its Standing Committees.  The Committee ensures that there is an appropriate range of skills and expertise on Court and that there is effective succession planning.  t also has responsibility for the effective operation of Court and its committees and for oversight of Court's performance.  It reports to Court on the overall effectiveness of governance arrangements.

Such powers delegated to the Committee by Court are as defined in the Scheme of Delegation.  The Committee shall have full authority to undertake and review activities associated with any matters within its terms of reference.  For the purposes of such activities, it shall be provided with adequate resources and full access to information and University personnel.

Reports to

The Committee reports to the governing body, the University Court.  The Committee will therefore report through a paper relating to any substantive matters for consideration and through the submission of the minutes (these can include unapproved minutes agreed with the Committee Chair) of each meeting to the next available meeting of Court and the Committee Chair will provide a brief report highlighting items for Court to formally approve and/or note.


To ensure that the University complies with all relevant governance frameworks, including the Scottish Code of Good HE Governance, and to bring forward recommendations for change where necessary.

To ensure that the organisational, administrative and management procedures of Court are such to make the most efficient contribution to the achievement of Court's objectives; to keep these procedures under review in the light of changing circumstances and to make recommendations as necessary for improvements in them through changes in the structure of any of the committees or the organisation of the University, in the distribution of functions and responsibilities, or otherwise.

To oversee regular reviews of the effectiveness of Court and Senate and their committees.

To review periodically Court’s current Standing Orders to ensure that they continue to support its work effectively.

To review periodically the arrangements for the induction and training of new Court members to ensure that they best prepare those members for their role.

To consider, and bring forward, recommendations in relation to other current issues relating to best practice in institutional governance that it considers relevant to Court’s current and future effectiveness.

To make recommendations to Court in respect of the appointment of lay members of Court as set out in article 8(i) of the Abertay University (Scotland) Order of Council 2019.

To review and monitor the membership needs of Court and its standing committees including the positions of Vice-Chair of Court, Court Intermediary and chairs of committees of Court and to solicit, receive and review details of potential members; and make recommendations thereon to Court.

To ensure it pays due attention to equality, diversity and inclusion in undertaking its work.



The Committee will be chaired by the Chair of Court or in their absence, one of the other lay members.


Three lay members of Court (one to act as Chair, where applicable, and one to act as Vice-Chair)

One member of Court from amongst the elected or union-nominated staff members of Court

One student member of Court1

Ex Officio:

Chair of Court

Principal & Vice-Chancellor

Vice Principal (Strategy and Governance) and University Secretary

1By the 1st September each year, the student governors will agree which of them will be members of which committee of Court, with a view to ensuring that there is an equitable share of membership across the committees on which student members sit.

In Attendance

Non-members may be invited to attend meetings at the discretion of the Chair to contribute expertise to specific agenda items.

Secretary to the Governance and Nominations Committee

Head of Governance and Deputy Secretary (nominated as Secretary by the Vice Principal (Strategy & Governance) and University Secretary)

Clerk to the Governance and Nominations Committee

Governance and Policy Officer (Minute Secretary) or their nominee.


Three members, of whom at least two shall be lay members of Court.

Frequency of Meetings

The Committee shall meet a minimum of four times per academic session.

On request of the Chair, extraordinary meetings will be convened as appropriate.

Standing Orders of Court

The standing orders of Court apply mutatis mutandis to the Governance and Nominations Committee as a Committee of Court.


The terms of reference shall be reviewed by Court at least every three years.

Approved by Court, 26 June 2024

Current Composition of the Governance and Nominations Committee

Appointed Members

Pam Herries

Veronica Lynch

Tony Marks

Dr Hadi Mehrpouya

Luke Webster


David Brew – Chair of Court and Chair of the Governance and Nominations Committee

Professor Liz Bacon – Principal and Vice-Chancellor

Caroline Summers - Vice-Principal (Strategy and Governance) and University Secretary


Dr Dianne Peden – Head of Governance and Deputy Secretary


Vanessa Kind – Governance and Policy Officer

If you would like a copy of the Committee Terms of Reference and Composition in another format, please email

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