People, Health and Equality Committee

Including the Health and Safety Sub-Committee.


The role of the People Health and Equality Committee of the University Court is to oversee, on behalf of Court, the governance of all people matters in order to ensure that the University creates, supports and maintains a positive and inclusive culture across the institution. The University strives to achieve the highest possible standard of staff leadership, management and engagement and to promote an inclusive culture where staff and students are valued and treated fairly and consistently with dignity and respect.

The principal purpose of the Committee is to ensure that the University has a clear people strategy which is appropriate, realistic and achievable, intended to deliver the University’s ambitions as laid out in its Strategic Plan. The Committee will take assurance that the framework of University strategies in relation to its workforce and students is supported by appropriate, realistic and achievable implementation plans which work in synergy with other University/corporate strategies.

The Committee also has a governance role in reviewing achievements against plans, whilst ensuring that the strategy and plans can respond effectively to changing internal and external environments.

Such powers delegated to the Committee by Court are as defined in the Scheme of Delegation.  The Committee shall have full authority to undertake and review activities associated with any matters within its terms of reference.  For the purposes of such activities, it shall be provided with adequate resources and full access to information and University personnel.

Reports to

The Committee reports to the governing body, the University Court.  The Committee will therefore report through a paper relating to any substantive matters for consideration and through the submission of the minutes (these can include unapproved minutes agreed with the Committee Chair) of each meeting to the next available meeting of Court and the Committee Chair will provide a brief report highlighting items for Court to formally approve and/or note.


a) The development, implementation and review of strategy and policy in relation to people matters

To support the institution’s implementation of the University Strategy in relation to its people-related objectives, actions and KPIs, including issues of staff engagement and well-being, as well as inclusion, learning and development. The establishment and maintenance of a positive and inclusive culture is a matter of collective responsibility by staff, students and governors.

b) Staff consultative processes

As a people organisation, the University seeks to involve and engage all staff in its strategies and processes, working in partnership and collaboration to achieve the aims and ambitions of the organisation.  This requires effective and open communications with staff and includes working actively with recognised trades unions to ensure involvement and engagement in all aspects of delivery of the University’s mission. The Committee is responsible for providing assurance to Court on the overall governance of these processes.

c) Performance indicators in respect of staffing

The Committee will ensure that appropriate monitoring and reporting arrangements are in place to demonstrate and deliver impact in the delivery of organisational goals to enhance institutional performance and for the purpose of continuous improvement; to ensure the University supports strong, effective and accountable leadership, and professional development; and will consider and approve appropriate performance measures and benchmarks developed for people management as well as legislative, best practice and strategic objectives which support effective staff development.

d) Oversight of the management of all activities of the University as they relate to the duties and responsibilities of Court in relation to health and safety of staff, students and visitors including:

To oversee, monitor and review health and safety arrangements within the University affecting staff, students and visitors and to advise Court on statutory and other requirements relating to its responsibilities for health & safety. The Committee will review, inter alia, reports on occupational health statistics and trends, work-related sickness absence data, and minutes submitted by the Health & Safety Sub-Committee. Oversight of the Court’s responsibility will be achieved through the consideration of relevant audit reports and the consideration of the Annual Health & Safety Report.

e) Oversight of the management of all equality, diversity and inclusion activities of the University as they relate to the duties and responsibilities of Court as a legal entity, employer and charitable body including:

To ensure the University embeds the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion and reports on inclusivity and widening access. To progress the aims of the University in terms of its practice, approach and development of equality & diversity and to assure Court that the University has discharged its responsibility in overseeing the implementation of University policies which reflect legislative requirements with respect to equality, diversity and inclusion.

f) Other matters affecting the interests of Court as a legal entity not referred to any other Committee

To advise Court on statutory and other requirements relating to its responsibilities not addressed at other Committees of Court.




Four lay members of Court (one to act as Chair and one to act as Vice-Chair)

1 Staff member of Court (excluding those where there is a clear conflict of interest)

1 Student member of Court1

Ex Officio:

Director of People & Organisational Development

Director of Student & Academic Services

1 By the 1 September each year, the student governors – will agree which of them will be members of which committee of Court, with a view to ensuring that there is an equitable share of membership across the committees on which student members sit.

In attendance

Non-members may be invited to attend meetings at the discretion of the Chair to contribute to specific agenda items.

Secretary to the People, Health and Equality Committee

Head of Governance and Deputy Secretary or their nominee (nominated as Secretary by the Vice Principal (Strategy & Governance) and University Secretary)

Clerk to the People, Health and Equality Committee

Governance and Policy Officer (Minute Secretary) or their nominee.


Five members of the Committee (including the Director of People & Organisational Development)

Frequency of Meetings

The Committee will meet a minimum of four times per academic session.

On request of the Chair, extraordinary meetings will be convened as appropriate. 

Standing Orders of Court

The standing orders of Court apply mutatis mutandis to the People, Health and Equality Committee as a Committee of Court.


The terms of reference shall be reviewed by Court at least every three years.

Approved by Court, 26 June 2024

Current Composition of the People, Health and Equality Committee

Appointed Members:

Heather Dunk – Chair

Professor Edith Sim - Vice-Chair

Dounia Allaouti

Robyn Donoghue (until 31 December 2024)

Kerith George-Briant

Jim MacGregor (from 1 January 2025)


Eilidh Fraser – Director of People and Organisational Development

James Nicholson - Director of Student and Academic Services


Dr Dianne Peden – Head of Governance and Deputy Secretary


Vanessa Kind – Governance and Policy Officer (Minute Secretary)

If you would like a copy of the Committee Terms of Reference and Composition in another format, please email

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Health and Safety Sub-Committee

Learn more about the Health and Safety Sub-Committee, a sub-committee of the People, Health and Equality Committee, which is designed to keep under review all matters involving the safety and occupational health of staff, students and other persons within the University environment.

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