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The University Court is the Governing Body of the University. Its powers are set out in the University’s constitutional document, which is 'The Abertay University (Scotland) Order of Council 2019'.
Court is made up of a maximum of 25 members, including independent members, ex-officio members and staff, and student members. Independent members remain an absolute majority. Court meets at least five times each year.
As vacancies for independent members of Court become available from time to time, they will be advertised here and more widely.
For further information on becoming a member of Court, or to contact any members of Court, please contact the Secretary to Court by emailing
On appointment, new members of Court are sent Letters of Appointment from the Chair and the Secretary. Template copies are available on request to
Including the Chair of Court, Vice-Chair of Court, and the University Principal.
David is the current Chair of Court and has an extensive public sector and governance background, and a lifelong commitment to Higher Education.
Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Abertay University, Professor Liz Bacon works closely with Court to deliver the University Strategy.
Caroline is Secretary to Court and is also responsible for leading the University’s Strategy, Governance and External Relations functions.
An Independent Member of Court, Iain developed a lifelong taste for learning while studying at Abertay.
Fiona is an Independent Member of Court who is committed to supporting Abertay as a widening access institution.
Professor Ruth Falconer was elected to Court in 2023 as the academic staff member of Court.
Lynne is an Independent Member of Court and is committed to social and economic mobility, inclusion and opportunity.
Pam is an Independent Member of Court and is passionate about enabling students and staff to reach their full potential.
Fraser is an Independent Member of Court who's keen to ensure Abertay continues to deliver life changing opportunities.
Jim is an Independent Member of Court and feels passionate about the important role that universities play in society.
Tony is an Independent Member of the University Court and the Chair of the Finance and Corporate Performance Committee.
Following the Scottish Code of Good HE Governance, the Finance Director and HR Director, as senior officers involved with the governing body, have submitted their interests to the University's register of interests.