Chair of Court - David Brew

David is the current Chair of Court.


A graduate of Heriot-Watt and Strathclyde Universities, David has an extensive public sector and governance background.  Following postgraduate studies at the European University Institute, he worked as an official of the EU Commission.  Prior to devolution, he held a number of different positions as a Senior Civil Servant in the Scottish Office and the UK Cabinet Secretariat.  After serving as Chief Executive of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland in the early 2000s he returned to the Scottish Government, advising Ministers on a range of policy issues, including culture and the creative industries. 

A former president of Heriot-Watt University’s Students’ Association, David became a Graduates’ Association representative on the University’s Court and later served as a lay governor of Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen.  Following his retirement from the Scottish Government, he was appointed to the Boards of MG ALBA (the Gaelic Media Service) and Creative Scotland, chairing both their Audit Committees.  He convened Fitness to Teach Panels for the General Teaching Council for Scotland and was an advisor to the UK’s Financial Reporting Council. 

David lives with his partner in Edinburgh.  His interests include languages, music and film.

Reason for joining Court 

I have a lifelong commitment to higher education in Scotland and long experience of the challenges faced by different institutions. I aim to bring to Abertay the knowledge and experience I have developed over my career to help the University to develop and prosper. 

Register of Interests

Paid Employment


Directorships etc.


Significant involvement with any organisation with which the University might do business


Position(s) of authority with any organisation(s) whose policies and decisions might be supposed to impact on the University


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