Dr Hadi Mehrpouya

Dr Mehrpouya is an academic staff member.

I am a Scoto-Iranian faculty of Abertay University. I used to be a student at Abertay in 2010 when I moved to Scotland. In the past, I have worked at the University of Dundee and the University of Edinburgh in numerous research roles. In 2016, I joined the Abertay community as a lecturer in Computer Games Technology. I am also a critical designer. My practice engages with how we interact with digital technology and aims to bring to the fore the hidden aspects of technologies that we use every day. I am particularly interested in games surveillance and player-avatar big data.

I enjoy making things with wood and computer code! I don’t like running, but I love walking, swimming and cycling. I am a proud father of two wonderful children. I enjoy working at Abertay and I am hoping to work with Abertay Court to improve our gender pay gaps, diversity and well-being of our colleagues and students.

I am member of the University court as a Trade Union Representative and I am the president of Abertay UCU. I am looking forward to working with the University Court members.

Register of Interests

Paid Employment


Directorships etc.

Elected president of Abertay University College Union (UCU).

Significant involvement with any organisation with which the University might do business

Abertay UCU.

Position(s) of authority with any organisation(s) whose policies and decisions might be supposed to impact on the University

Abertay UCU.

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