Dr Scott Cameron

Dr Cameron is a Senate Nominated Member of Court.


Originally from Edinburgh, but living in Dundee since 1998 when he undertook PhD studies in Antimicrobial resistance at the University of Dundee after undergraduate studies at the University of Edinburgh. Scott was then a post-doctoral research assistant and Senior research fellow in the School of Life Sciences at Dundee undertaking research into novel targets for anti-infectives to help treat both bacterial and protozoal infections.

Scott joined Abertay in 2012 as a supply lecturer, becoming a teaching fellow in Biomedical Sciences in 2014 followed by promotion to lecturer. Scott was interim Head of the Division of Science in 2019 and took up his current post as Head of Teaching Quality and Learning Enhancement for the School of Life Sciences in 2019.

Scott was elected to Senate in 2019, and again in 2023.

Scott is passionate about higher education as an enabler and believes strongly in Abertay’s mission at inclusion and opportunities for all who could benefit from the Abertay experience- students, staff and the wider community.

Register of Interests

Paid Employment

Abertay University

Directorships etc.


Significant involvement with any organisation with which the University might do business

Coventry University as External Examiner.

Position(s) of authority with any organisation(s) whose policies and decisions might be supposed to impact on the University


Significant Pecuniary Interests


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