Gordon Weir

Gordon is Abertay's Director of Finance, Infrastructure and Corporate Services.


Gordon has responsibility for strategy and operations in areas covering finance, estates, information technology, campus facilities, business development, commercial contracts and services, procurement, administration, project support and business continuity planning.

Gordon joined the University from the Care Inspectorate where he was the Executive Director of Corporate and Customer Services. Prior to that, he was Assistant Principal (Finance and Resources) at Adam Smith College and held a joint post as Assistant Principal of Fife College and Glenrothes College. Before moving to the college sector he held posts as Head of Corporate Services at Tayside Fire Brigade and Principal Accountant at Tayside Regional Council. 

Gordon is a former member of the CIPFA Scotland Executive Committee, having been Chair of CIFPA Scotland in 2018-19 and is a former chair of the Central Government Procurement Shared Services Steering Board.

Gordon is a graduate of the University of Dundee, a Fellow Chartered Public Finance Accountant and a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Register of Interests

Paid Employment

None outwith Abertay University employment

Directorships etc.

  • Director of Design Dundee Ltd - established to develop and operate V&A Dundee

  • Director of Dundee Business School Ltd - dormant - Abertay University

  • Director of Protoplay Ltd - dormant - Abertay University

Significant involvement with any organisation with which the University might do business

Nil return

Position(s) of authority with any organisation(s) whose policies and decisions might be supposed to impact on the University

Nil return 

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