Vice-Chair of Court - Heather Dunk

Heather is the current Vice-Chair of Court and an Independent Member.

Reason for joining Court

I have a passion for lifelong learning and was drawn to the ethos Abertay University has regarding access and inclusion.  I believe that everyone should have a chance to develop their talents and Abertay provides those opportunities.   


Heather was the first in her family to enter higher education and is passionate about the difference education plays in transforming lives. 

Heather has 20 years’ experience in senior leadership roles across the public and private sectors.  She led the successful merger of three Colleges in Ayrshire in 2013 and was Principal and CEO of Ayrshire College until stepping down to pursue other interests in 2019. 

Heather has experience of large-scale capital projects and led the development of a sector leading £54m campus in Kilmarnock.  She has extensive governance experience as a non-executive director in the public and charity sectors. 

Heather was recognised by the Association of Scottish Businesswomen with an Outstanding Leadership Award for her work in Ayrshire and in 2014, Heather was awarded an OBE for services to further and higher education. 

Register of Interests

Paid Employment

Non-executive member of Tayside NHS Board

Directorships etc.


Significant involvement with any organisation with which the University might do business


Position(s) of authority with any organisation(s) whose policies and decisions might be supposed to impact on the University


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