Lynne Hamilton

Lynne is an Independent Member of Court.

Reason for joining Court

I joined the Court of Abertay University because of its commitment to social and economic mobility, inclusion and opportunity; values and priorities which I share.


Lynne worked throughout her career in public service including senior leadership and Board roles in the civil service and the NHS.  She served as Director of Finance of Welsh Government, Chief Finance Officer of Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service of England & Wales, and Executive Director of Finance at Swansea Bay University Health Board.  Lynne is a member of the Charted Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy.

She has over 30 years public service experience in a career spanning research; strategy and policy development and implementation; change management; system improvement; and strategic and operational financial leadership and governance.

Lynne is passionate about diversity, organisational and personal development and believes that great people make great organisations.

She is a co-opted Trustee of Chwarae Teg, Wales’s leading equality charity.  Lynne is Lay Chair of Powys County Council Governance and Audit Committee.

She is married to a fellow Scot, has two sons and a small granddaughter.

Register of Interests

Paid Employment


Directorships etc.


Significant involvement with any organisation with which the University might do business


Position(s) of authority with any organisation(s) whose policies and decisions might be supposed to impact on the University


Significant Pecuniary Interests 


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