Professor Edith Sim

Professor Sim is an Independent Member of Court.

Reason for joining Court

My father was at Bell Street Tech in the 1940s.  I am passionate about changes that education can bring to someone’s life. As a citizen of Dundee I am so pleased to be associated with Abertay. 


Professor Sim was at school in Dundee and as a result of a meeting of the British Association and a talk by Dame Kathleen Lonsdale, was enthused to follow a career in science. 

She studied Biochemistry at Edinburgh University gaining a first class honours degree and studied for her DPhil in Oxford. She was a Royal Society Exchange Fellow in Grenoble, returned to Oxford University as a Departmental Lecturer in Biochemistry and then moved as a Wellcome Trust Senior Lecturer to the Department of Pharmacology being appointed a Professor of Pharmacology and Head of Department for 5 years. She was then Director of Graduate Training in the Medical Sciences Division at Oxford and laterally Dean of Science, Engineering and Computing at Kingston University. Her research on arylamine N-acetyltransferases was supported by the Wellcome Trust for over 25 years and other funding has been from Venture Capital funds, Research Councils in the UK and overseas and Pharmaceutical companies as well as other research charities. 

She has served on research panels of charities and research councils in the UK and Europe. She chaired the Doctoral panel of the Medical Research Council and was a founding scientist of the drug discovery spin out company now called Summit plc. She was a Trustee of the Daphne Jackson Trust supporting returners to research after a career break and is an Emeritus Fellow at St Peter’s College Oxford and an Emeritus Professor at Kingston University and the Department of Pharmacology at Oxford.  

Register of Interests

Paid Employment 


Directorships etc. 

Oxford International Biomedical Centre - director. Voluntary position  

Significant involvement with any organisation with which the University might do business 

Emeritus Professor at University of Oxford and also Kingston University UK. Emeritus Fellow at St Peter's College Oxford. 

Position(s) of authority with any organisation(s) whose policies and decisions might be supposed to impact on the University 


Significant Pecuniary Interests 

Pensions from USS and TPS  

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