Thomas Sloan

Thomas is the Unite nominated member of Court.


Thomas started working at Abertay University in 2013. He is currently Assistant Campus Services Officer within the Division of Finance Infrastructure and Corporate Services and has been a Union representative for Unite since 2021.

Thomas works in the team that delivers and maintains essential University services. His responsibilities include campus cleaning, estates systems administration, and waste management

Thomas has a strong focus on sustainability and within Campus Services has made changes to prioritise reuse and recycling ensuring that none of the University's waste is sent to landfill. He works with the Students' Association to continually develop and deliver the Scottish Government-funded Period Poverty scheme in a way that supports the Students' needs, choice, and wellbeing.

Thomas is originally from Fort William. Outside of work, he enjoys acting, writing, and making music with his daughters.

Register of Interests

Paid Employment 


Directorships etc. 


Significant involvement with any organisation with which the University might do business 


Position(s) of authority with any organisation(s) whose policies and decisions might be supposed to impact on the University 

Unite Union Rep for Abertay 

Significant Pecuniary Interests 


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