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We’ve created this guide so you know what coming to Abertay University involves, and what you can practically do to support your child.
This includes ...
How to choose a course
How to apply
Key dates and deadlines
What to do about accommodation
... and more.
We all know that going to university is a big life changing event. As parents* you provide crucial stability at a time when it can be overwhelming. So even if it doesn't always seem like it, your help at this point in their lives is essential.
The emotional back up and support you give really can help them adjust more smoothly to university life. But we know this change in their lives is sometimes (often!) hard for everyone involved, so we're here with information to prepare you both as much as possible.
We also offer a Parents and Carers newsletter, which will give you the inside track on what you and your child need to know when applying to Abertay University.
Sign up to our Parents and Carers newsletter to stay in the loop ➟
*While we refer to parents here, this guide is for parents, guardians, carers and any supportive adults who want to help.
Industry-relevant degrees, nearly all with work placements/internships and professional accreditations.