Finances and Funding aid for Student Carers

Help with finances and funding 

Filling in forms

We offer all student carers an appointment to help you fill in your SAAS forms, explain the kind of evidence needed and answer your questions.

Find out more on the student carer pages of the SAAS website.

In some cases we can give you practical help in completing other applications, and help with specific evidence for a funding or application process.

We have a Scottish Undergraduate fees and funding section that may be useful for you. And a page about budgeting and student discounts.

Benefits and entitlements for student carers

Some specific advice on benefits or funding entitlements you may be eligible for as a student carer.


Carers Allowance/Carer Support Payments

As a student carer, you may be eligible for certain benefits, such as Carers Allowance or the Carer Support Payment. 

If you have any concerns about the impact of studying on your benefit entitlement, we recommend that you contact Citizens Advice or your Local Authority’s Welfare Service.

Find out more about the Carer's Allowance/Carer Support Payment. 


Young Carer Grants

The Young Carer grant is an annual payment for young carers in Scotland who are aged 16, 17 and 18 years old.

You need to have been caring for one-three people for an average of 16 hours a week for at least the last three months.

Find out about the Young Carer Grants.


SAAS (Student Awards Agency Scotland)

There is some carer-related financial support from SAAS that may be available to you. 

SAAS - Student Carers and Living Costs Grants

Student Information Scotland - Funding, Finance and Student Life

Funding resources from Abertay

Welfare funds and other Abertay resources for student carers.

Cost of living support

The University can provide emergency food vouchers and we also have a local foodbank referral service. There is a foodbank network in Dundee. Talk to your named person in Advisory and they can put you in touch.

Find out more about cost of living support.

Student welfare funds

Eligible students who are experiencing financial difficulty can apply to the University’s Student Welfare Funds to be assessed for a financial award. Applications can be completed online.

Find out more about the Student Welfare Fund on the intranet.


Childcare funding

Eligible students can apply to the Abertay's Childcare Funds for support with university-related childcare costs. 

Find out more about childcare funding on the intranet.

Abertay scholarships and bursaries

We offer scholarships and bursaries that may help you. These do not need to be repaid.

Find out more about our scholarships and bursaries.


How Advisory can help

Find out more about the kind of funding support available on the Advisory funding intranet page.


*Some of the websites featured here are external and Abertay University is in no way responsible for the content. Check our website Terms and Conditions for more information.

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