Dr Athina Tziboula-Clarke

Senior Lecturer

Faculty Faculty of Social and Applied Sciences

Department Department of Built Environment and Life Sciences

Contact info

+44 (0)1382 30 8674


In collaboration with FIA team ongoing support to the various funded projects. Examples: 

2018: 1 Knowledge Transfer Partnership (2018-), 2 year project PI, 150K

2012 Interface Innovation  voucher with Scotherbs to investigate the potential of Microwave pasteurisation for the preservation of pesto,PI,  5K

2012 Interface Innovation voucher with Matthew Algie, PI, 5K

1999 Investigation into kappa carrageenan milk protein interactions, Nestle Konolfingen, PI, 90K

1998 FAGE Greece,PI, 10K

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  • Programme leader for BSc (Hons) Food, Nutrition and Health (FNH) 2015-2018
  • Programme leader for BSc (Hons) Food and Consumer Science (FCS) 2015-2018
  • Programme leader for MSc Food and Drink Innovation 2012-2017

Lecturer on the following Programmes:

  • BSc (Hons) Food Nutrition and Health
  • BSc (Hons) Food and Consumer Sciences

Module leader in the following modules:

  • Food characterisation (stage 2)
  • Research methods  (stage 4)
  • Honours Project (stage 4)
  • Professional skills for the Food and Drink Industry (stage 5)

Contributing lecturer  in the following modules:

  • Food Processing (stage 3)
  • Food product design (stage 2)
  • Current Topics in Food (stage 4)
  • Placement for FNH/FCS (stage 3)

Areas of expertise

  • Dairy science and technology
  • Sensory and consumer science
  • Research methods, statistics and experimental designs
  • Rheology
  • Food hydrocolloids vs processing interactions
  • Ultrasonication of foods
  • Food chemistry and analysis


During my programme leadership both undergraduate programmes FCS and FNH have been accredited by IFST having led the accreditation process and AfN respectively.


As a food scientist with expertise in rheology and texture analysis of foods, my principle research interests are in the manipulation of food textures using ultrasonication technology and examination of textures (when applicable) utilising x-Ray computerised tomography.  The utilisation of ultrasonication in food processes is gaining momentum principly due to the simplicity of the technology, ease of application and low cost. Food processes performed under the action of ultrasound are believed to be affected in part by cavitation phenomena and mass transfer enhancement. In  my work I focus on the impact of ultrasonication on the texture of dairy gels (rennet and acid gels) and the underpinning mechanisms explaining the changes observed.

Another area of interest is in the domain of sensory and consumer sciences with the focus on understanding the factors underpinning consumer food choices for potatoes  in order to be able to inform potato bredding programmes (1 PhD student) 

I have also active interest in the utilisation of novel sustainable protein sources from Vicia  faba L. and their derivatives in innovative food applications (1PhD student).

Previous research interests in the following areas: 

(i) Genetic polymorphis of milk proteins: Impact on micellar structure and physicochemical properties of milk.

(ii) Investigation of  the  interactions of food hydrocolloids and milk proteins using dynamic rheology.

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More Information


Member if the Institute of Food Science and Technology

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Member of the Organising committee of the Food Hydrocolloid Trust.

External Examiner of the undergraduate  Food programmes taught at Laughry Campus, University of Ulster (2014-2017

External Examiner of the undergraduate and postgraduate food programmes, Harper Adams University (2016-)

Editorial member of the International Dairy Journal 1998-2002

Stem Ambassador (2017-)

Member of Scottish Givernment Cross Party Group on Food (2015-)

Member of the School of science Engineering and Technology Athena Swan committee (2016-)



2014-15 Working with Websters High School (Kirriemuir) with the Princes Trust developing a new food product .

2011-2013 Science Roadshow, Abertay University (Demosntrating food science experiments to secondary schools in Tayside and Fife)

2013 Co-developed CPD for Home economics teachers, Abertay University

2012 Invited speaker, teachmeet (2012)

2012 Food science on your plate, Rosebank primary school, Dundee

2011 Food science on your plate, Dundee Science Festival 

Meet the rest of the team

Dr Kevin Smith

Dr Kevin Smith

Department of Built Environment and Life Sciences | Senior Lecturer

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Dr Boon-Seang Chu

Dr Boon-Seang Chu

Department of Built Environment and Life Sciences | Reader in Food Functionality and Processing Technology

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