Professor Daniel Gilmour

Professor of Sustainability Assessment and Enhancement

School Faculty of Social and Applied Sciences

Department Department of Built Environment and Life Sciences

Contact info

+44 (0)1382 30 8420


I’m a Chartered Water and Environmental Manager, experienced researcher and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy with over ten years’ experience in lecturing. My research focuses on the enhancement of sustainability in the built environment with interests in the fields of sustainability assessment, decision support and public participation in decision making, in particular sustainable service provision.

As co-leader of the Sustainability Assessment, Visualisation and Enhancement (SAVE) group, I lead a multidisciplinary team of researchers with an interest in sustainability assessment, enhancement and communication.  Drawing on established areas of expertise within both the School of Science, Engineering and Technology and the School of Design and Informatics, our work includes developing visualisations and interactive tools to support wiser and inclusive decision-making. 

I have been actively engaged in research over the last 15 years in the field of sustainable decision making, working on a range of projects within local government and the water industry.  I am currently leading an EU funded Sustainable Service Provision project (I2I), CREW water decision making projects and collaborating with Dundee City Council on a sustainability enhancement framework for the landmark £1 billion transformation of Dundee Waterfront.



MA (Environmental Science and Geography);

MSc (Wastewater and Environmental Management),

PhD (Knowledge mapping for enhancing sustainability in large public sector funded urban redevelopment),

Member of The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (MCIWEM)

Chartered Water and Environmental Manager (C.WEM)

Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv)

Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)



Project Assistant, University of Abertay Dundee 1998 – 1999

Research Assistant, University of Abertay Dundee 1999 – 2000

Lecturer/Research Officer, University of Abertay Dundee    2001 – 2014

Senior Lecturer 2015 - 2021

External Examiner -Glasgow Caledonian University

Member of the Tay Estuary Forum Steering Group.

Project Evaluator UK Sub Committee for the EU North Sea programme

SAGES Water Forum - Coordinator Water Cycle Management group (with Irena Connon)

Carnegie Research Assessor - Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland

SAGES Theme Co Leader - Theme 4: Transformations in Society & Environmental Policy 

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I am a Senior Fellow of the HEA and have over 10 years lecturing experience within Abertay. I am Programme Leader of the MSc Construction Management Programme which is an innovative partnership between Abertay and ESCT in Paris.  I lecture on both Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses within the Division of Natural and Built Environment.


My teaching is in the areas of:

• Environmental Management
• Sustainability Assessment
• Project Management
• Construction Management


My research interests are in the fields of sustainability assessment, decision support and public participation in decision making, in particular, on the enhancement of sustainability in the built and natural environment.  I have been heavily engaged in research over the last 15 years in the field of sustainable decision making on a range of projects within local government and water industry. Alongside other projects, I have been working with Dundee City Council since 2006 to develop and implement sustainability enhancement framework on a 1 billion transformation of Dundee Waterfront.

The research impacts on local government organisations, the public, water companies and their regulators.  The insights that led to the impact include the development and application of an integrated framework for the assessment of sustainability and the communication of the complex data required in this assessment to a wide range of stakeholders.  The application of the research has resulted in changes to public policy and services, raised the awareness and understanding of key stakeholders with a resulting increase in the ability of the stakeholders to make informed decisions and has impacted on policy debate on the environment.

I co-lead the interdisciplinary Sustainability Assessment, Visualisation and Enhancement (SAVE) research group which spans schools within the University. For more information please see the SAVE group web pages

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2017 –Date Principal Investigator.  Informal care and voluntary assistance: Innovation in service delivery in the North Sea Region (In For Care).

2017 –Date Principal Investigator CREW Scotland’s Water Sector Map - Hydro Nation.

2017 –Date Co-investigator CREW A review of investment decisions at small drinking water supply systems with declining water quality issues.

2016 – Date  Co-investigator CREW An independent evaluation of the "Integrated Water Resource Management - Southern Malawi" project on behalf of the Scottish Government 

2016 – Date   Principal Investigator CREW A review of current practice in the provision of water and wastewater services

2015 – 2016  Co-investigator CREW Innovative solutions for drinking water  

2013 – 2015  Building Information Models (BIM) and Interactive Visualisation. SFC - (HEFC)

2013 – 2015  Investigating web based game technologies for generating optimized fertilizer and lime maps. SAGES  

2013 -  2015  3D visualization for TAYplan strategic land use planning. TayPlan 

2013 – 2014   Maximising passive solar gain: A physically based simulation and rendering approach. SFC - (HEFC) 

2013 - 2014   Scottish Water Sector Overview Map, CREW, CRW2012/8 

2012 - 2014   iAge - e-inclusion in ageing Europe, EU Interreg project

2012 – 2013  Strategic Implications for Land Use: What key changes may occur over the next 20-40 years. TAPLAN

2011 - 2014   Low Carbon Land Use Innovation Network (LoCal -Net). Scottish Government & ERDF

2011 - 2013   Sustainable Coastal Management in Practice. Fife Coastal and Countryside Trust

2011 – 2013   Visualisation of Strategic land use at Dunfermline Western Edge. Fife Council.

2010 -2011   Knowledge Exchange: Improved Community Engagement through Spatial and Visualisation methods (ICE- SAV).                           AHRC/Connected Communities funding

2010 – 2011   DW04 Alternatives to P for Plumbosolvency Control, for UK Water Industry Research Limited

2010                 Green Business Clustering Perth and Kinross, Perth and Kinross Council

2009 – 2011   Sustainability Enhancement and Visualisation of Dundee Waterfront, Scottish Enterprise

2008 – 2011   DC Noise – Demographic Change: New opportunities in shrinking Europe, EU Interreg project

2008 – 2011   ACE Ecopartnerships to provide collective envorinmental solutions. LUPS/ERDF/2008/1/2/0204

2008 – 2011   Phosphates Life Cycle Management, for UK Water Industry Research Limited.  Consultants Atkins Ltd

2007                Source Control of Phosphates, for UK Water Industry Research Limited.  Consultants Atkins Ltd,

2006 – 2013   Sustainability assessment of Dundee Waterfront Development, for Scottish Enterprise/Dundee City Council

2005 – 2007   Bathing water management in Angus, for Catchment Ltd/SEPA/Angus Council

2005 - 2006    Watersense – Domestic contributions of Phosphates to Sewerage Systems, WWF.

2003 - 2004    An empirical study into exfiltration rates from sewers, for a consortia of UK water Companies

2003                 A study into to the impact of loss of knowledge through downsizing, for Scottish Water

EPSRC Consortia  projects

1.         EPSRC Sustainable Cities Initiative. Sustainable Disposal of Domestic Sanitary Waste (1996 -1999). Dr David Blackwood and Mr Daniel Gilmour, Researchers.

2.         EPSRC The Water Infrastructure and Treatment Engineering Programme: (1998 – 2001) A multi-criteria analysis/Risk management tool to assess the relative sustainability of water systems.  EPSRC grant Ref. GR/M15545. Dr David Blackwood, Co-Investigator,  Mr D Gilmour, Research Officer.

3.         EPSRC SUE Programme: Water Cycle Management for New Developments WAND.  Led by Imperial College (2004 – 2007). Dr David Blackwood, Co-Investigator, Mr D Gilmour, Research Officer

4.         EPSRC STEPPING UP project. Led by University of Manchester.  EPSRC Research Grant EP/N00583X/1. Dr Ruth Falconer Co-Investigator, Dr D Gilmour, Contributor.


Professional Memberships:

Member of The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (MCIWEM),

Chartered Water and Environmental Manager (C.WEM),

Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv)

Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)

External Appointments:

External Examiner, BSc Environmental Management, Glasgow Caledonian University

Project Evaluator UK Sub Committee for the EU North Sea programme

External Panel Member Enhancement-Led Internal Subject Review, Glasgow Caledonian University, March 2016

External Panel Member Programme Review, BSc Environmental Management, MSc Energy and Environmental Management, MSc Water Resources Engineering and Management, Glasgow Caledonian University, March 2016

Member Tay Estuary Forum Steering Group 2001 to present

Member Dundee Waterfront Monitoring and Evaluation Group 2009 to present

Member Dundee Waterfront Implementation Group 2009 to present

Member Dundee City Council Recycling Group 2009 to present


Invited Speaker/Chair:

Gray Matter Conference Vlissingen, Netherlands  2009

Knowledge Retention in Local Authorities 2 day workshop (workshop leader), Vennesla Municipality, Norway 2010

Connect Communities, Lancaster, May, 2012

Scottish Environmental Protection Agency,  Perth, May 2012

SUSCOD Interreg IVB project, St Andrews, October 2012

Scottish Government Indicators, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, Feb 2013

TAYplan sustainability indicators, TAYplan Feb 2013

Decision Making workshop, University of Adger, Norway March 2013

Session Chair, Tay Estuary Forum Conference, April 2013

E health week, University of Agder, Norway, June 2014

Session Chair, Tay Estuary Forum Conference, April 2014

Session Chair, Tay Estuary Forum Conference, April 2015

Session Chair, Tay Estuary Forum Conference, April 2016

Session Chair, Tay Estuary Forum Conference, April 2017


University committee membership and postgraduate supervision since 2008:

School Academic Committee (SAC)

University Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee (RKEC)

Supervised 20+ MSc Environmental Programme projects,

Supervised 20+ MSc Construction Management projects


RA 2003-2004 (Andrew Staines)

RA 2009-2012 (John Isaacs)

RA 2012 -2014 (Santiago Martinez)

RA 2014- 2015 (Gavin Hales)


PhD Student Completed 2015 (2nd supervisor Mohanad Halawani)

PhD Student  Completed 2015 (2nd supervisor Amit Singh)

PhD Student 2014 – Date (Principal Supervisor Samesa Igirigi)

Knowledge Exchange

Consultancy Projects:

2016     Beach litter assessment methodology, Catchment Ltd

2014 - 2015   Catchment Public Interface Risk Assessment, Catchment Ltd

2009 - 2010   Technical Risk Assessment on the use of Cyclone and Filter Ash as a construction material, Dundee City Council

2009 - 2010   Catchment Tay Pipline Survey, Catchment Tay Limited

2008                Risk Assessment on the use of Cyclone and Filter Ash as a construction material, Dundee City Council

2008                Catchment Tay Pumping Station Schematics, Catchment Tay Limited

2006                Risk Assessment on the use of Bottom Ash as a replacement Binder, Dundee City Council

Flow Survey Consultancy:

2009                Perth Royal Infirmary Flow Survey, NHS Tayside

2009                Ninewells Hospital Flow Survey, NHS Tayside

2008                Keilda Water Distribiton Chamber investigation, Keilda Water

2008                Riverside Flow and Lad Survey, United Utilities

2007 - 2010   Scottish Water Equipment, Training and Support, SW Invergowrie

2007               14 Flow and Load Surveys (£118,000), SW Invergowrie

2004               Levenmouth Flow and Load Survey, SW Invergowrie

2004               Glasgow Airport Flow and Load Survey, BAA Glasgow



The SAVE group visualization has been used in a number of public engagement activities such as Dundee Science Festival and Fife Science Festival, Cafe Science and other public arenas.

I lead the Royal Academy of Engieering- Ingenious Public Engagement Grant: On the Right Track - Engineering Education For All project.

Using the exciting backdrop of Dundee City's £1 billion Waterfront Regeneration project, On the Right
Track: Engineering and Education for All, will bring engineers from research, industry and academia
together with school children, teachers and the wider community. Focussing on the rebuilding of
Dundee Railway Station, the project will provide the audience with an opportunity to understand the
science and technology behind engineering the build in a real life context - literally from the ground up.
The programme will provide training for the professional engineers, giving them valuable experience in
public communication of their work.

Meet the rest of the team

Dr Karen Barton

Dr Karen Barton

Department of Built Environment and Life Sciences | Senior Lecturer

View profile

Dr Kevin Smith

Dr Kevin Smith

Department of Built Environment and Life Sciences | Senior Lecturer

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Pause carousel

Play carousel