How we verify the information you provide
We’ll use the information you provide along with your certificates to confirm whether you meet our entry criteria.
If we have any reason to believe that you have:
- Left out any relevant information, including qualifications you have completed, qualifications with an unsuccessful grade or for which you are still awaiting results
- Given false or misleading information, or the information does not match what you’ve told us verbally
We may take any necessary steps to check with you and other parties, including examination and awarding bodies, whether the information you have provided is accurate or complete.
We have the right to withdraw our offer and cancel your application if we determine (having carried out any necessary checks), or have reasonable belief, that your application contains false information.
Applicant declaration
I confirm that the information given on this form is true, complete and accurate and no or other material information has been omitted. I accept that if this is not the case, Abertay University and UCAS shall have the right to cancel my application and I shall have no claim against Abertay University or UCAS in relation thereto.
I give my consent to the processing of my data by Abertay University and UCAS.
I also accept that, having completed and submitted the form, I do not have the right to further choices within the UCAS scheme and will not approach any other University or College in the UCAS Scheme.