Parents and Carers Guide to Clearing

Everything you need to know to help your student through Clearing.

Going to university is a big step for your student - and for you. Results day can be stressful, especially if their results aren't what they hoped for.

If things don't go to plan on results day, there's no need to panic. UCAS Clearing is available to help them find a university place.

Watch the video below for further Clearing advice from our Director of UK Recruitment and Admissions, Lesley Balfour. 


We've also pulled together the handy guide below to help support you and your student through the Clearing process.

Any questions?

If you have any further questions about the UCAS Clearing process, please get in touch: 

💻 Use LiveChat (see the bottom left of your screen)

📞 Call us on +44(0)1382 308080

What is Clearing?

Find out when and how your student can use the UCAS Clearing process.

Find out more

What is your role?

Your student may need lots of support during the Clearing process

Find out more

Preparing for results day

Start getting prepared for results day early.

Find out more

How can I help on results day?

Be there to support your student on the day.

Find out more

What happens next?

There a few things to think about once a Clearing offer has been given.

Find out more

A Guide for Parents and Carers

Why Abertay is the perfect place to study. Lots of info, tips and advice about what we do to educate and support your child while they are here.

Find out more

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