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Results day for SQA Highers is Tuesday 6 August 2024 and Thursday 15 August 2024 for A-Levels.
There are a number of things both you and your student can do ahead of time to help you prepare for results day:
Make sure you fully understand what Clearing is and how it works (see What is Clearing?).
Make sure you've signed up for Clearing updates from Abertay.
Note down clearing helpline number for Abertay +44(0)1382 308080.
For those in Scotland, find out if your student has signed up for their results be email and/or text. If not, they will receive their results on the day by post.
For those doing A-levels, results are received from school or college.
Understand what course choices your student has made and what grades they require.
Plan for the best case and worst case scenarios.
Find out if they have a back up plan – if not, make one:
Consider different subjects – they don’t have to stick with their original idea.
Research universities with courses as options and draw up a short list.
You’ll find courses available for Clearing at Abertay on our website.
Use LiveChat on our website, see bottom left on your screen. Or, call/email us:
📞 Call us: +44(0)1382 308080.
📧 Email us: