HEAR - list of achievements

The Abertay HEAR - section 6.1

Achievements that can be included in the HEAR

The Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) is an enhanced digital transcript providing a single record of your undergraduate academic and other achievements during your time at Abertay. 

Abertay aims to recognise additional activities that encourage student development associated with the Abertay Attributes.

The purpose of section 6.1 of the Abertay HEAR is to provide verifiable and factually based details of your extracurricular and co-curricular activities and achievements. 

The central principles guiding activities that can be included in your Abertay HEAR are:

  1. The activity is verifiable by at least one member of staff employed by Abertay University or the Abertay SA.

  2. The opportunity to undertake the activity is normally open to all students, or all students in a particular subject area.

  3. It must be possible for information about the activity to be evidenced, and not based on opinion.

  4. The activity or outcome is not part of an academic programme.

  5. The activity must not otherwise be recognised or awarded by any external organisation or agency, unless the student has been nominated by the University.

  6. The activity must not solely arise as a result of paid employment. This is with the exception of the following types of University/UADSA activities and achievements:

  • Course-related.

  • Research related.

  • Teaching related.


What achievements are currently recognised in the Abertay HEAR?

Below is a list of achievements we can recognise in your HEAR.

If you have completed an achievement that is listed below, but it doesn't appear on your HEAR, then please email hear@abertay.ac.uk and we'll do our best to resolve it for you.


Achievement Name

Achievement Description

Abertay Blue

The Blue is awarded in recognition of the following sporting achievements: representation at British Unis; representation at national level; top 4 in BUCS, win in Scottish Unis.

Abertay Colours

Colours are awarded to individuals who have made an exceptional contribution to sport at Abertay.

Abertay Half Blue

The Half Blue is awarded in recognition of the following sporting achievements: representation at Scottish Unis; representation at national junior level; top 4 Scottish Unis; top 16 BUCS.

Abertay Mentoring Award

Participation in the University of Abertay Peer Mentoring Programme, where students volunteer and are trained to serve as peer mentors supporting the academic and personal success of their fellow students. As a result, peer mentors build upon and develop interpersonal and organisational skills, as well as become part of a network of peer supporters.

Abertay Students' Association Programme Representative

An elected post, Programme Representatives are responsible for student-led improvement in their programme stage, and help set the direction and priorities of the Students' Association. They attend School Student Councils and the Students' Association Student Representative Council.

Abertay Students' Association society committee member

Holder of the role of President, Secretary or Treasurer within a student society, responsible for managing the society's activities.

Abertay25 Project Volunteer

This achievement recognises students who have used their enthusiasm and curiosity to research and interview individuals from Abertay’s history. Students will discover the voices of the archives, and assist with the information processing. They will develop new skills and explore their creative side by designing and filming simple stop-motion animations. There is also the opportunity to mentor young people from schools in Dundee. This project will take place on Microsoft Teams.

Athena Swan Self-Assessment Team Member

This achievement recognises student participation in the Self-Assessment Team, preparing a submission for an Athena Swan award, which recognises commitment to advancing the careers of women in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine.

Bill Taylor Scholarship

Award of the Bill Taylor Scholarship with BEAR Scotland.
The student will have:
•    Completed the 12-week industry placement at BEAR Scotland in Term 1 of Year 3.
•   Completed a supervised summer placement, of a minimum of 12-weeks duration, with BEAR Scotland.

Career Mentoring Programme participant

Participation in the Career Mentoring Programme, meeting every two weeks with an industry mentor to develop core employability skills. Participants are required to set goals to work on with their mentor and complete a mid-point and final report.

Civil Engineering Summer Placement

In addition to the credit bearing placement undertaken as an integral part of the programme, the student has successfully completed two further periods, each of a minimum of 12-weeks duration, of supervised work placement in the civil engineering sector. The student’s performance has been assessed by the employers and visiting academics using a daily diary and log book, reflective report and a post-placement report.

Counselling Skills Intern

This student has supported second year Psychology and Counselling students to develop and practice their counselling skills.

Elected Student Member of Senate

This recognises students who have been elected by their peers to represent the student body on Senate, the senior academic committee of the University.

Dundee Business School Internship

Participation in the Dundee Business School internship scheme, working with a local business to gain practical experience.

Erasmus Work Placement

Completion of a work placement of at least 2 months' duration in a European country under the Erasmus scheme.

Executive Committee Member of Abertay Students' Association

An elected post, Abertay SA executive committee members are responsible for representing the students at Abertay in relation to Welfare, Education, Recreation, Employability, Effective Communication and Representation.

Industry-led Masterclasses for Life Sciences

This achievement recognises students who have attended a series of workshops, delivered by guest speakers from industry, to enable them to develop their knowledge of the business of life sciences.  Students are taken through a journey within life science companies, including key stages from conception of an idea through to development, manufacturing and getting a product to market, giving them insight into potential careers within life sciences.

Interconnect Student Champion

Interconnect Student Champions are ambassadors for the Interconnect Network within their college or university.  The Interconnect Network promote women’s involvement in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects, where they are usually under- represented.  Student Champions engage new students in the Network, support Interconnect student groups, and organise student events.

Online Peer Mentor

This student has supported new students on their programme as an online peer mentor

Psychology Student Ambassador

This scheme exists to provide opportunities for students on our Psychology degree programs to volunteer for outward-facing projects run by staff within the Department (e.g., open days, outreach) and/or other projects that arise on an ad hoc basis according to staff need. This is distinct from the Research Volunteer Scheme, where students support staff to deliver on pre-defined research projects.

Research Volunteer Scheme participant

Participation in the Abertay Research Volunteer Scheme, where students volunteer and are selected to support staff research projects, thus gaining valuable training and experience regarding the requirements of applying the research process in practice.

Sports Club Committee Member

Holder of sport club committee member position: President, Secretary, Treasurer, Captain, Health and Wellbeing Officer or Social Secretary.

STEM Ambassador

This achievement recognises students who use their enthusiasm and commitment to encourage young people to enjoy STEM subjects. They support teachers in the classroom by explaining current applications of STEM in industry or research and contribute to their local community and at the same time boost their own professional skills, experience and confidence.

Student Representative Committee Chair

This achievement recognises students who have Chaired the Abertay Student Association's Student Representative Committee for an academic session.

Student Representative Committee Clerk

This achievement recognises students who have acted as Clerk to the Abertay Student Association's Student Representative Committee for an academic session.

Student Volunteer in Recruitment Activities

Participation in recruitment activities within their Department/Faculty, where students volunteer to support staff in recruitment activities such as Open Days, Applicant Days, Taster Days, School Visits and Careers Fairs. Students have shared their experiences of their route into Higher Education, and what and how they have learned whilst studying at Abertay; participated in activities and assisted in tours of facilities.  They have gained experience in public engagement.

Study Abroad

Completion of a period of study at a university outside the UK as a recognised part of the degree programme.

Sustainability Champion

Sustainability Champions have volunteered to take on an additional role promoting awareness of sustainability issues amongst their student peers to encourage environmental action. They work with Association staff to raise awareness of opportunities to engage with sustainability across the University and the city. 

Teaching and Learning Enhancement Student Intern

Supported University-wide work to improve quality of learning and teaching e.g. analysis of student survey results, communications (university website content development and social media) and helping to organise staff development events and workshops.

The Graduate Award Plus (GAP) Programme - Advanced level

The Graduate Award Plus (GAP) Programme is an optional employability skills development Award for final year students at Abertay University. ADVANCED LEVEL - Has achieved Core Modules, ‘Employability Skills that Matter’, ‘Managing Interviews & Applications’, ‘Career Readiness’ and Optional Modules ‘Emotional Intelligence’, ‘Networking, ‘Professionalism and the Transition to Work’.

The Graduate Award Plus (GAP) Programme - Foundation level

The Graduate Award Plus (GAP) Programme is an optional employability skills development Award for final year students at Abertay University. FOUNDATION LEVEL - Has achieved Core Modules, ‘Employability Skills that Matter’, ‘Managing Interviews & Applications’ & ‘Career Readiness’.

The Graduate Award Plus (GAP) Programme - Intermediate level

The Graduate Award Plus (GAP) Programme is an optional employability skills development Award for final year students at Abertay University. INTERMEDIATE LEVEL - Has achieved Core Modules, ‘Employability Skills that Matter’, ‘Managing Interviews & Applications’, ‘Career Readiness’, and Optional Modules, ‘Emotional Intelligence’ and ‘Networking’.

The Open University and Santander Universities Union Black Programme

This course explored Britain's Black cultures and steps to anti-racism. Students gain a greater understanding of biases, myths and racism and learn how to develop their commitment to lasting change.

The Principal's Award

The Principal’s Award recognises the employability skills that students have developed through work, study, volunteering, and extra-curricular activities. Students undertake a range of events both in University and in their own time and record their learning about their skills development in a series of reflective logs.

Training Assistant

Training of NHS placement trainers. Act as an ambassador for the Faculty and the Biomedical Science degree programme, participate in training of prospective NHS Biomedical Science trainers on the 'Training for Trainers' course delivered to placement host staff.

Trustee of Abertay Students' Association Board

A post for which students apply, Trustees of the Board are responsible for the strategic direction and future planning of the Students' Association.

Volunteer Virtual placement

This student has worked with a local company over the summer in a volunteer project officer capacity.


Pause carousel

Play carousel